Regional College for Education Research & Technology, Jaipur
Report on
A Two day International Workshop
Recent Computing Technologies -IRWRCT-2014
December 22-23, 2014
A two day International Research Workshop on “Recent Computing Technologies” (IRWRCT-2014) was organized at Regional College for Education Research & Technology (RCERT) Sitapura, Jaipur in association with ACM (Udaipur Chapter) & CSI (Udaipur Chapter) on December 22 – 23, 2014.

Welcome Rangoli at Administrative Department
December 22, 2014
The Program Began with a formal welcome of all the Guests, Speakers and dignitaries with Bouquet and Lamp Lighting ceremony. Entire auditorium enjoyed the video of the preparations of workshop and RCERT College.

Lamp Light Ceremony by Prof. Rajkumar Buyya Lamp Light Ceremony by Prof. Pragaya Jain