Dr. Kabool Chandra
DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE The whole world is changing. Transition is taking place in all spheres of life. Students are grappling with demands to keep pace with technology advancement and information overload. Proper education is as vitally important as correct guidance & direction to the student's efforts. Education is an important tool for a student to build a bright career and the student cannot afford to rely on methods developed in the past to be feasible for the future. Education has to fit the needs of individual student to empower and enable the student to make quantum leap in order to sustain the competitiveness. Regional College for Education, Research and Technology (RCERT), Jaipur believes in change and takes care of this change in its pedagogy and learning environment. This means the college is in a constant metamorphosis and has kept its students ahead of others. The College does not want its students to be caught in a gap created by complacency from the success achieved today with the change needed for tomorrow. “Student must aim, not to reach the status of successful students of today, but those of tomorrow”.