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A two days National Conference on “Advance Computing and  Communication for Technologies” was organized at Regional College for Education Research & Technology (RCERT) Sitapura, Jaipur in association with Institution of Engineers-India (IE(I)), Indian Society for Technical Education  (ISTE) and Indian Society for Information Theory & Applications (ISITA), Jaipur on 4th-5th April, 2014.

Day One : April 4, 2014

Prof. (Dr.) R. P. Yadav, Ex – Vice-Chancellor, Rajasthan Technical University,  Kota was the chief guest of the function.  

The Guest of Honors Prof.(Dr.) S. K. Calla(Chairman-IE(I), Rajasthan), Prof.(Dr.)  R. K. Tuteja(Vice President-ISITA), Prof.(Dr.) Anil Bharadwaz (University of Rajasthan, Jaipur) and the Key Note Speakers Dr. Nitul Dutta (MEFGI, Rajkot  Gujrat) and Prof.(Dr.) Manoj Singh Gaur (MNIT, Jaipur) and other dignitaries Mr. Prem Surana(Chairman, Deepshikha Kala Sansthan, Jaipur), Mr. Anshu  Surana (Vice-Chairman, Deepshikha Kala Sansthan, Jaipur) , Mrs. Pramila Surana, (Director General, RCERT, Jaipur), Prof. Kabool Chandra ( Director, RCERT, Jaipur), Prof. (Dr.) R. S. Tiwari ( Principal, RCERT, Jaipur) and many  other honorable members.

The Program Began with a formal welcome of all the guests and dignitaries with Bouquet and Lamp Lighting ceremony. Director General, RCERT, Mrs. Pramila Surana addressed the gathering.

Vice-Chairman of Deepshikha Kala Sansthan Mr. Anshu Surana shared his views on the occasion and brief introduction about RCERT.

Convener of NCACCT-2014 Er. Ghanshyam Singh Yadav presented about the theme and brief idea of the conference.

Prof. (Dr.) S. K. Calla gave a brief introduction about IE(I) Rajasthan center and Prof.(Dr.) R. K. Tuteja stated about ISITA and Prof.(Dr.) Anil Bharadwaz threw  light on the theme of the Conference.

Our Chief-Guest Prof(Dr.) R.P.Yadav appreciated the initiative that would provide a platform where faculties and students will learn about Advance Computing, Communication and Technologies in the field of Computing, and Communication system and their applications. All the dignitaries present on the Dias together unveiled the Souvenir of the conference.

The Organizing secretary of NCACCT-2014 Er. Madhumay Sen vote of thanks  after inaugural ceremony.

On first day, in invited talk session, 2 invited talks by by Dr. Nitul Dutta and Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Singh Gaur were delivered.

Dr. Nitul Dutta expressed his views on wireless devices that works on Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) band.He also explain that, The Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) is emerged as an outcome of this effort that addresses the issue of spectrum usage heterogeneity. Needless to say, that the said technology has been receiving an increasing attention among researchers in recent years.

Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Singh Gaur explain that Android Smartphone OS has gained pole position in mobile market having an open source nature and rich Application Programming Interface (API). Increasing number of Android  devices has attracted attention of malware authors who till now concentrated more on Microsoft Windows.

All the talks were helping us to improve & enhance our technical & research skills.

In the afternoon, the delegates, participants & faculties were taken away for Lunch at New  ministration Building of the RCERT Campus.

On the second half several participants presented their paper.

In the evening, the delegates, participants & faculties were taken for High Tea & the participants felt refreshed after the day’s proceedings.

Day Two : April 5, 2014 

The Program Began with a formal welcome of all the guests and dignitaries.

On second day, in invited talk session we had invited talks by Er. Dariya Singh Yadav, Dr. K.P. Yadav & Dr. Lokesh Tharani. 

Er. Daria Singh Yadav expressed his views on green environment in  association with communication. He stated that the said technology would  enhance the future growth of youngsters and youth will be benefited.

Dr. K.P. Yadav shed light on 5G technology and mentioned how we can analyze the cyber security challenges of cognitive networks. He also said that,  We propose some future directions to make cognitive radio networks secure and resilient to many of the proposed attacks.  Dr. Lokesh Tharani narrated that Mobile communication has become  a necessity in the human life now-a-days. He also mentioned that The technological advancement in mobile computing hardware, over the last decade, has led to a renewal interest in multiuser detection as an effective method to improve the quality of service for mobile cellular communication  systems. 

After delivering speech, Lunch took place at New Administration Building of  the RCERT Campus.

Mean while our honorable Chief Guest Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar Nagawat  reached and enjoyed lunch with other dignataries.

After having lunch number of participants presented their papers.

Valedictory Session commenced with Bouquet and valedictory speech was  given by Mrs. Pramila Surana. Then Convener of NCACCT-2014 Er. Ghanshyam  Singh Yadav explained the entire procedure, functions and research areas. He also appreciated participants for their nice and valuable presentation.

Chairman of Deepshikha Kala Sansthan, Mr. Prem Surana admired the  conference including Department of Computer Science for doing a great job while thanking Chief Guest, Guest, Speakers.

Our venerable Chief Guest Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar Nagawat threw a light that how this conference will be valuable and useful for students and participants in every walk of area and people would gain lot of advantage from Computing  & Communication Technologies.

Chairman and Vice-Chairman offered momentous while concluding the  valedictory session. After then Certificates were given away to participants.

At the eleventh hour, The Organizing secretary of NCACCT-2014 Er. Madhumay Sen delivered Vote of thanks while concluding the Valedictory  Session and thanked all the dignitaries , Associated partners, participants and entire Department of Computer Science & Engineering with great pomp and  show and then High Tea was offered to all the enthusiastic people.



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