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A huge task if at all is successful is obviously a resultant of a strong inspiration. There is some or the other strong belief, a motivation or inspiration that leads to milestones that become the talk of the town.

Obviously Deepshikha was born with a vision that is beyond the money matters. There was a social goal of changing the scenario of education in this Indian social structure.

The bigger question  is – Have we been successful ??

The clear answer to this question is NO not yet. All we have been able to do so far is change the lives of 1 Lac odd people. It is obviously very less than what we had dream about 40 years ago.

Our missions have been numerous. The first and the foremost mission that we took in our hands to complete our vision which was our larger goal and objective is to create an environment that  os conducive to overall development of our student fraternity. We were looking out for a campus that is an infrastructure equipped with state of the art technology. Today we have multiple infrastructures, multiple campus, multiple laboratories. Now the question  is – Is this enough ?

The answer as usual for untiring people is NO. Yes we make timely efforts to ensure that our campus remains abreast with the updates , changes in the technology and environment on a regular basis to ensure that our student fraternity get the best ground to score academic results that are reflections of their capabilities and contribution of their academic gurus.

We welcome your valuable feedbacks on any new technology, process or product that can make our campuses better and we will be more than happy to accept your suggestion or proposals if you have any.

The Gravitational Force

With over 38 years of tireless efforts, Deepshikha Kala Sansthan has been reaching new horizons in the academic circuits within the sub-continent. The society has continuously worked on its belief that so far as improvements in the education industry is concerned, sky is the limit.

Habitual of reaching new mile stones Deepshikha Kala Sansthan has still kept its values close to its heart. With a larger spectrum of mind the institution has focused on the quality of education, betterment of technology within its campus, Updating its infrastructure which over exceeds the learning needs of fresh minds who are at the core of the heart of the institution – Its students.

It has been our endeavor to reach new horizons in the domain of learning, education and knowledge. This phenomenon has helped us remain on our toes to enhance the quality of education in the last 40 years. 

We firmly believe that the real education is beyond the chapters in the books. There are load of things like industrial exposure, the platform to showcase and develop talent, participation and team work in events, sports and use of technology at the core of a competent educational institution. This has made it possible for us to bag trust of not only 100,000 students that have joined the league of leaders but also have placed all of them today at leadership positions in India and abroad in renowned corporate sector in India and abroad.

It has been our passion to develop young, fresh and energetic minds into resources that add value to the business chains as employees, consultants and freelancers. We have proved it in the past and we are only getting better day by day.

Our ideology is not limited to teaching. Having a broader spectrum of mind we are also focused on self learning. No academician, institution  or teacher can be on the top of his profession if he is not undergoing a continuous process of learning while teaching.

We have on a timely bases understood the requirements and the dynamic shift of the man power needs of the fortune 500 companies and other corporate to create talent pool which gets absorbed in the industrial use of the corporate there by adding value to the corporate and giving ample opportunities to the students of our family to set up their career wings and reach new heights and horizons of life.

Deepshikha Kala Sansthan hereby welcomes all students, parents, faculty and administration staff to ensure that the core vision of our existence does not get depleted in daily hard work that all of us are committed to. The core belief is even more important and I am sure the team agrees to it.




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Sarosh Khan Student of Deepshikh College

Sarosh Khan
Company: Sahasra Group Batch: B.Tech. (EC)

Best Private Technical College In Jaipur

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