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Making effective and meaningful notes of the study material when you are studying at the Best B. Tech College in Jaipur is one of the utmost requirements to secure good marks. Well explained notes are considered as necessary as they help in recalling important information taught in the classroom. Moreover, writing things down on paper helps in easy review of the topics and assists in learning and remembering particular information more quickly and efficiently.

If you want to train your brain to identify important information, taking good notes will be crucial task. So, developing skills and aptitude towards note making is essential.

Here are a few important things that you should know about note making that will help you succeed:

Take a review of Assignment:

You should read your assignment and the study material provided by the Best B. Tech College in Jaipur as this will help in better understanding of the assignment.

Get Organized:

You should begin in each lecture with a new page in order to make the organized notes. In order to avoid confusion, you should inculcate date and numbers to each page. You should make sure that you always give a heading or topic to your notes for making them easier in finding specific information.

Scope for Space:

For greater legibility and good writing, you should consider writing only one side of the paper and for this purpose, you should use spiral notebooks through which you can make your notes easy to review. With these notebooks, you can also rearrange or insert any new material in notes.

Thinking is Good While Writing:

You should think about the information which is most likely to be used later. It may be in tests or in essay or in a completing project or assignment etc. your focus should be on those points which directly relate to or illustrate your reading.

Have Some Queries:

When you are studying at the Best B. Tech College in Jaipur, it is good to have some questions or queries related to your study or project as it provides you the opportunity to get your work done with more efficiency, excellency and expertise. It is useful in staying aware of potential gaps in your study as well as understanding of topics.

Take a Review:

You should go through your notes after completing the class so that you can add or remove something from your notes. For this purpose, you should leave some space on your notes to inculcate additional information.



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Sarosh Khan
Company: Sahasra Group Batch: B.Tech. (EC)

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