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All the students of Deepshikha College are hereby informed that various skill enhancing activities have been started for the students during the lockdown period to improve their skills and knowledge concerning a wide variety of fields. More than 50000 engagements till date during the lockdown have been achieved through activities such as contests, quiz, webinars, and online videos. Those students who haven’t participated yet can utilize this opportunity. Moreover, all the participants will receive a free E-Certificate after completing the activity. 

For Real-Time Analytics of Participants and Participation Links – Click here: 


Here is the list of activities in which students can participate to enhance their knowledge:

COVID-19 Quiz Contest 

This is a quiz organized by the Regional College of pharmacy and till now around 8935 participants have participated in this quiz. The quiz is open to all and everyone can take part in this. Students can click the link given below to participate in the Quiz:


E-Learning Skill Enhancement

This activity is open to all and is organized by the University of Technology. Around 11900 participants have participated in the activity. You can click the link given below to participate:


Rules of Lockdown Quiz

Deepshikha Teachers Training College has organized this quiz and the total number of participants in this quiz is 3397. The quiz is open to all. Students can click the given link below to participate in the Quiz:


Management & Economics Quiz

The total number of participants who have participated in the Quiz is 2239 and it is organized by Dept. of Comm. & Mgmt., University of Technology. The quiz is open to all and students can click the given link below to participate in the Quiz:


Research Skills Enhancement

Open for only research scholars and researchers, the total number of participants in this activity is 3598. This activity is organized by Dept. of Research, University of Technology, and students can click the given link below to participate in the Quiz:


Law Skills Enhancement

Open for law aspirants only, the total participation in this activity till now is 596. Moreover, it is organized by the Department of Law, UOT and you can click on the link given below to participate in the activity:


Education Learning Videos

This is the activity that received the maximum number of participants around 21022 and is organized together by UOT/ Regional College / Deepshikha Group. The Participation link for the activity is given below:


Corona Pandemic Quiz

Open to all, the quiz is organized by Dept. of Computers, Regional College, and is open to all.

The total number of participants is 71 and the participation link is given below:


Brace Up Your IT Skills

This skill enhancement activity was organized by Dept. of Computers, Regional College, and is open to all. The link for participation is given below:


Computer Quiz Level 1

The quiz is organized by Deepshikha Teachers Training College and is open to all. The Participation link for the quiz is given below:


Analyzing Career Options in Commerce after 12th (Webinar)

Limited to the first 100 enrolments, this is a webinar organized by the Department of Mgmt., Deepshikha Group, and only invited members can participate in this webinar. The Participation link is given below:

To know more about us, follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/deepshikhacolleges

Social media content given on 26 may

Being a responsible citizen of the country, we request all of you to follow the WHO guidelines to protect yourself and others from Coronavirus and other transmittable diseases. Thus, help our nation fight against COVID-19 pandemic. The construction of Orville Business Port is in full swing and we are closely monitoring the situation and taking every precaution for the safety of workers. We will keep you informed about further developments regarding the site.

#obp #construction #covid19 #staysafe #stayhealthy #precautions #safetymeasures #coronavirus #Indiafightscorona

Don’t miss the opportunity to interact with your favorite faculties Dr. Anita Rathore and Dr. Deepak Gupta!! They will be live on the Facebook page of Biyani Group of Colleges on Wednesday, 27th May 2020 at 11 AM and 12 Noon re

spectively. Stay connected to know more.

#fblive #facebooklive #biyanicollege #live



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Sarosh Khan Student of Deepshikh College

Sarosh Khan
Company: Sahasra Group Batch: B.Tech. (EC)

Best Private Technical College In Jaipur

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