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Deepshikha group of colleges presents the heartiest welcome In the orientation which is scheduled on 27th November and Induction program is scheduled on 28th November. 

As we all are very well known to the fact that pandemic situation don’t allow us to collectively sit and do the orientation program this is for this orientation and induction programme will be conducted in online mode. 

The off-line medium of classes will be resumed after for the instruction of government of India till then events and classes Will held via online platforms. Students are registered in University of technology with the help of their identified unique registration number, which has been already provided to the students for communication in university. The further communications related to academics, examination, co-curricular, extra-Regular activities, et cetera. throughout the duration of your program will be done on the broadcast list.

Let’s take a look over the schedule of online orientation which is going to be held on 27, 2020 (Friday).

Ms Bindiya jain Will initiate the programme by joining Saraswati Vandana followed by display of orientation posted on Google meet. Shri Prem Surana, chairman deepshika group of colleges, Will deliver welcome address which will further Followed by Dr. Anshu Surana, Who acts as a vice-chairman to the group.

After The precious notes by Chairman Dr Rita Bisht, Director of the group took the charge for presenting welcome note. This will be carried forward with a brief college introduction by Dr Reema Singh, principal of Deepshika group of colleges.

Mr. Nitin jain, Coordinator will brief about code of conducts guilty of commerce this will be followed bye Mr Nilesh Sharma ,Department head, will brief about faculty of computer science.

Faculty of Arts and Law will be briefed further by Ms Vandita chahar and science faculty will be mentioned by Dr.Hemlata Sharma.

The programme then comes to the end with the introduction of student activities, facilities and vote of thanks bye Ms Sonia Gaur.

INDUCTION PROGRAM, November 28, 2020 ( Saturday)

The next day Open subway schedule of next program that is induction program for batch 2020–21. This program will be started with Saraswati Vandana and poster display orientation. This task will be managed by Ms Bindiya Jain. 

Dr Pramod Sharma, principal of Regional college will enchanting the Welcome Address. This will be followed by Dr Tarachand,Principal of RCP who will take charge by addressing welcome in his golden words.

Mr Piyush Sharma, Alumni- founder of ready rugs ltd will utter brief introduction about this and also acts as a motivational speaker in this program. Further this Dr Reema Singh, Principal of DCTE will brief about University of technology.

Ms bindiya jain will furtherShow the videos of Alumni and students which will be followed bye Deepak Mathur, Alumni-Assistant Vice President; Aavas financiers will mesmerize the listeners by his motivational words.

After this motivational session, Ms. Neha Surana, Research Scholar university of Technology shares her experiences in UOT. The program will then comes to an end with elaboration of student activities, facilities and vote of thanks narrated by Dr Ankit Gandhi, Research Dean.
Group group of colleges would like to invite One and all to attend these programs and and make it a successful session. You can join the classes by given links. 

Visit: www.deepshikha.org for enrollment process.



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