In the past decade, there has been introduction of many novel methods to ensure improvement of instructional strategies as well as student learning with the help of seminars and other media.
How thinking and learning could be improved of the students studying in Best B. Tech college in Jaipur is a great concern for all. From cognitive and educational psychology point of view, there are some significant highlights on the findings which can have a major impact on a student’s growth:
Growth Mindset – It has been shown by the research that students who likely to remain focused on goals and have a growth mindset can persist despite setbacks. Moreover the level of commitment, dedication and hard work is also equally important for success.
- Prior Knowledge – Conceptual growth and changes have been influenced with prior knowledge as shown by the research. Students of Best B. Tech college in Jaipur, add to their existing knowledge with the help of conceptual growth and similar with conceptual change, students can correct misconceptions and errors in their existing knowledge.
- Facilitating the context – With the help of this principle, the students would be able to generalize learning to new contexts if they have invested time in focusing on deeper learning. When students get help from instructors in transfer the learning from one context to another, student growth and deeper learning can be developed.
- Practice – This principle is based on strategies that would help students in encoding and learning material into long term memory in a more effective way. Instructors can assist students in enhancing their knowledge, skills and confidence by issuing formative assessment frequently with the help of practice problems, group activities and sample tests.
- Blend of knowledge areas or skills- When students focus on learning one thing at a time, it is the fastest way to acquire the learning but it can put a limit on the extent of the learning.
Mixing the knowledge areas through the learning sessions held in Best B.Tech College in Jaipur can help students understand about their scope and importance which is necessary to sharpen the grasping power of the students.