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Role of Educational Research

To do research is to carefully analyze a problem or to conduct a detailed study of a specific issue, using scientific methods. It is possible to conduct research on any topic, be it medical, non-medical, IT, or whatever. Having a topic or problem on which to conduct research is the first step in doing research. Students from the best B.Tech colleges of Jaipur can benefit from educational research, however, the research questions must be relevant to the topic.

There are three types of educational research: descriptive research, correlational research, and experimental research. The three types of research share some characteristics but also differ in others.

Descriptive Educational Research

As part of this type of educational research, the researcher simply collects data about the current status quo or current state of affairs. Descriptive research focuses primarily on defining the characteristics of the research subject being studied.

A descriptive research approach emphasizes the “what” of a situation, making it an observational research method. To gather data for descriptive educational research, the researcher employs quantitative methods, such as surveys and questionnaires.

Correlational Educational Research

Research of this type aims to discover the statistical relationship between two variables. Correlational research examines two variables in order to establish a connection between them.

The results of correlational research can be positive, negative, or none at all. In a positive correlation, an increase in variable A will lead to an increase in variable B, whereas a negative correlation will lead to a decrease in variable B.

Experimental Educational Research

A study that aims to establish the causal relationship between two variables in the research environment is known as experimental educational research. The research employs quantitative research methods to determine cause and effect in relation to the variables being studied.

Two groups are typically involved in educational experimentation – a control group and an experimental group. Researchers introduce some changes to the experimental group such as a change in the environment or a catalyst, whereas the control group is maintained as it is.

By using these catalysts, the researcher is able to pinpoint the causative factor(s). A central component of experimental educational research is the formulation of a hypothesis, and thus, the overall design relies on statistical analysis to approve or refute the hypothesis.

In order for students in the best B.Tech colleges in Jaipur to benefit from educational research, they must follow the proper procedure of conducting research. The procedure of research involves observing first, conducting background research, then preparing hypotheses, and finally performing a simple experiment.



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